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Archives: Solutions
Mobile Equipment
Our equipment is available in mobile options giving you the freedom to bring the equipment to where you need it most.
Custom Machinery and Conveyors
From conveyors to downstream accessories.
Turnkey Plants
Cost effective custom plant solutions. Design, Manufacture and Installation.
Configurable non-ferrous downstream systems designed to meet both the physical constraints of our customers’ sites and their output product quality goals.
All waste types and applications. Produce products to specification, separate to three fractions, recover material. Mobile or Static.
Artificial Intelligence Separation
Artificial Intelligence based equipment can both sort and scan waste, resulting in a constant flow of data on the waste composition and a deeper understanding of the waste stream.
Magnetic Separation
Magnetic separation solutions such as Eddy Currents, Mag Drums, and Downstreams.
Air Density Separation
Windshifters, Picking Stations, Magnetic Separators. Mobile or Static.
Reduce volume, recover resources. All waste types and materials. Mobile or Static.